Neural therapy is a gentle, healing therapy that originated from Germany.
It involves injecting a local anesthetic into an area of dysfunctional nerve conduction. This essentially means that the nervous system is firing inappropriately and the ‘off switch‘ isn’t working properly anymore.
This treatment helps by acting as a circuit breaker, resetting the nerve conduction, and breaking the vicious cycle of pain/dysfunction.
The cause of this nervous system dysregulation is often due to injury, trauma, surgery, or scar tissue.
Therefore, this therapy is utilized to treat nerve pain, scars, trigger points, and acupuncture points.
Neural therapy is an effective tool against pain is because a lot of pain is generated from a dysfunctional autonomic nervous system, the part of the peripheral nervous system that is responsible for the involuntary actions in the body such as immune
What is neural therapy used for?
- Neck and back pain
- Joint pain (knee, ankle, hips, wrist, elbow, shoulder)
- Whiplash
- Post-concussion syndrome
- Chronic pain (neurogenic or muscular)
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Jaw pain
- Trauma
- Osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease
- Post-surgical pain
- Scar tissue
- Athletic injuries
- Digestive disturbances
- PMS associated pain
- Disturbances due to scar formation
We are so excited to offer this treatment at our clinic. Treat your chronic pain today.
To learn more about this treatment, talk to one of our Doctor’s today and get a 15-minute free consultation over the phone or zoom.
Call us at 604-260-2713 or Email us at [email protected].